• GODINA : 2020
  • LOKACIJA : Šišava, Travnik
  • PROJEKTANTI : Ledi? arhitektura
  • KATEGORIJA : Weekend houses

The holiday home on Vlasic is designed or inspired by the project “A-frame cabin” (Lake Tahoe, California) by “Todd Gordon Mather Architect”, at the request of the investor himself. Everything else such as disposition and fitting into the location in Shishava (Vlasic) was done according to the project task.

The property is located along the road from which you can access the parking space, and the terrain of the location is in a mild slope. Large glass portals on this house simply “look” for ambients such as Mount Vlasic. On the one hand, the portal offers us a view of the forest and trees while on the other hand an indescribable landscape view is experienced down the slope.