Lika residence






Ledić Arhitektura


Stambeni objekat

  • GODINA : 2023
  • LOKACIJA : Lika
  • PROJEKTANTI : Ledić Arhitektura
  • KATEGORIJA : Stambeni objekat
Lika residence

On the spacious and slightly hilly areas of Lika, hiding from the crowds and creating their peace, three, playfully placed objects are formed. Quite simple forms, adapted to their environment through form and materialization, are placed on the plot so that they form an inner courtyard formed of bright red, steel canopy that connects all objects.

To bring a touch of nature through the dominant red color, enough space is left in the center for a tree, the same species as those that can be found in this environment. Each object is of similar dimensions, different functions, and materializations are intertwined through all three houses. Therefore, the dominant game is with wood, stone, glass surfaces and steel.

The position of the houses is consciously drawn as deep /far as possible into the plot, in order to create a winding, macadam, natural road that participates in creating the first impression of the entire complex, while approaching it. At the last curve, the first two buildings that appear on one stone superstructure are building A/ technical building and building B / residential building.

Something a little more hidden, more interesting, relaxing part is placed in object C, which consists of an indoor pool that connects to its surroundings through a glass wall, and also when they are dissolved it becomes a part of nature itself. Next to it there is also a wellness and gym, which further refines the entire space.

Such a complex is a challenge in itself, because it brings with it some new architectural catchphrases in design, which actually makes this project unique and closer to our heart.