Prozor, Rama


Ledi? arhitektura


Production facilities

  • GODINA : 2022
  • LOKACIJA : Prozor, Rama
  • PROJEKTANTI : Ledi? arhitektura
  • KATEGORIJA : Production facilities

GS – TMT in Bosnia has decades of experience in the production of elements of machines, as well as complete machines and components. They extend their tradition to the area of Rama, where the newly designed hall will soon be located, together with all accompanying facilities and infrastructure, and will take a total area of about 30,000 m2 of the available 100,000 m2, where the newly designed hall occupies 5945 m2, solar power plant 7000 m2, and the rest makes room for stationary traffic and access sequences.

Following a special configuration of the terrain, which was in itself a challenge for the construction of an industrial facility, a complex is formed that fully monitors the slopes of the terrain, and therefore forms a series of plateaus and roads that smoothly overcome the slopes, thereby adjusting the entire environment to what we found in the location itself.

In addition to fitting with the terrain, this concept of the complex included an open-type restaurant, which applies not only to employees, but also to the population or tourists.

The restaurant as well as the entire administrative drive is oriented towards the beautiful view of Lake Ram, and due to the position of the building, the visa reaches the surrounding settlements.

The industrial plant area is intended for about 200 new employees, thereby helping to develop the community.

A special place is occupied by a power plant located at the top of the complex itself, which will power the entire complex, and which will use the natural environment for its work.

Once again, Ledic architecture has tried its hand at working on industrial plants, but this time under slightly more extreme conditions. In doing so, she dealt with the strained state, respecting the aforementioned and yet, valued her task and another slightly significant task, which is to strengthen the community.